Tubby the Tuba

Excited this evening to be rehearsing for a short 8 minutes musical story "Tubby the Tuba" which will be performed at the Linton Children's Bookfestival on Saturday 10th May.

A bit nostalgic for me as this was the sort of fayre, my parents, non-musicians but keen-for-their-children-to-be-musical, encouraged us with... I don't think there was very much classical music that was child-friendly at that time. "Sparky and his magic piano" was another I remember... Mostly it was very "high brow" and intimidating.

Our tubby offering at the book festival has been written, arranged and organised by Hilary, secretary of the new Linton Youth Music group. Our aim is to get children enthused to make music, by making it interactive and accessible.

There will be several more than were available to rehearse today..I'd better get practising!

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