Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Snow Heather

Heather was one of my first blips, a shaky image that I gaily uploaded it to a photography site with no self-consciousness about the quality. Well I've never claimed to be a photographer.

I was drawn to the heather in the garden today because we're hoping to be in Scotland for Christmas and heather always makes me think of home. It's the essence for the needy child archetype and one of the essences that Noah has needed a lot. He has always demanded attention which I could never understand as I've always spent a lot of time with him. We've had real insights this year as I realised how I am often physically present with him, yet mentally elsewhere. I'll be thinking of flowers, drifting into daydreams, prescribing essences in my head, hatching creative plans and 10001 mundane thoughts that stop me being present in the moment with him.

Heather brought a lovely reminder to be fully present with him today as we sculpted 'the world's biggest ever Snowman'. He said it was the best day of his life. He says that a lot. He also says it's the worst day of his life a lot. He has a drama queen aspect to his personality; people who need heather flower essence usually do. Yet all it took for him to have the best day of his life was for me to be focused on him without distraction, building a snowman. His needs for love and attention were met completely by our time together and he played happily on his own afterwards.

If on some level you don't feel you were/are loved enough; if you need to be the centre of attention or if you find it difficult to listen to others because you are secretly more interested in yourself then heather flower essence would bring balance.

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