
By daisydoesNYC

Bedford is the street that I walk down to and from work each day. I absolutely love it. It's so cosy and sweet (can a street be cosy and sweet, I think so). It's completely tree lined with flowers in the beds along the sidewalk. The blossom is in full bloom at the moment and it's gorgeous.

Anyway, had a fairly busy day at work yesterday for once. Sat in on a brainstorming session for a big new project which was interesting to see how ideas develop.

One of the guys I work with has been working on a website for a surf magazine and it was their launch party at the Wooly in the Woolworth Building last night. A group of us headed there after work. It was a cool spot but they'd let far too many people in so we didn't stay late. And I failed to take any photos!

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