
By analogconvert13

Woodpeckah At Work. GX1, Leitz Elmarit 90mm

It's a pretty Spring day today, so I went down to the river hoping to catch a Blip of the Canada geese or a passing sculler. Then I heard the telltale "tock-tock", and there he was! I tried to use a shutter speed just slow enough to blur the rapid movement of his head, yet freeze my own movements. Luckily, I had chosen to take a 90mm lens with me. On the GX1, because of the M4/3 crop factor, it functions as a 180mm, just tele. enough for the occasion. The Elmarit 90mm 1:2.8, a moderately-fast short telephoto, was offered in the Leitz catalog from 1959-1974, proof of happy customers. Mine is from 1961.

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