beauty of the nature

By Hadi

Zoro's back?!!

Tonight when I was getting back home I saw this guy at street. A tall guy with weird cloth (their combination). He was standing beside wall and looking around (with sunglasses at 1 AM!!!!). When I thought better i said to myself "hey this guy looks familiar, he looks like... like... Zoro!!!!!!!" OMG is this him? But what he was doing there? Maybe he was looking for his horse, or maybe he is the modern Zoro and he uses motorcycle. And maybe he does n't use sword anymore and uses gun. Or wait... Maybe... maybe he is terminator, he has been sent to destroy our town (and this one is more acceptable, he was naked when he came here so he has stolen those cloth but he had no idea how he looks).
While all these ideas where going through my mind I told myself "i better get the hell outta here before he turns into a more dangerous character!!"

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