a town called E.

By Eej


There is a rogue tulip in our front garden, which is both bold and, because of the fiery redness of said rogue tulip, bold.

This tulip, growing all by itself where it isn't supposed to has my admiration. It hid as I was transplanting her family - or so it seems because I don't know why else I would have missed it - and for the last two years it's been challenging me between the gravel that is now a path up against the house.
I admire it for standing up to me all by itself. It's a defiant little thing and it amuses me. Much like when Harley pretends she's all tough and not a waif of a thing at 6 lbs or so that we can lift with one hand.

I'm feeling a bit random. My brain is happy this week is over and that we finally have sprung spring :)

(Day 5 of no sugar. I survived grocery shopping without buying choloate, which was really quite difficult. It's all uphill from here :))

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