
By scribbler

Nature & identity

Lilies. Blooming and yet to bloom.

Chantler63 Shakespeare Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month
Plays & their themes
Day 25: As You Like it (nature & identity)

I identify with these lilies.
In some areas of my life I am flourishing, in full bloom.
In others (photography for one!), I'm a late bloomer.

Hence, this haiku poem.


I'm a late bloomer,
Tight-budded, waiting my turn
With cheerful humor.

As a fair flower
Opes at last to scent the air,
So will be my hour.


The art critic Roger Fry wrote about Cézanne:

"With all his rare endowments, Cézanne happened to lack the comparatively common gift of illustration. More happily endowed and more integral personalities have been able to express themselves harmoniously from the very first. But such rich, complex, and conflicting natures as Cézanne's require A LONG PERIOD OF FERMENTATION."

Malcolm Gladwell wrote about failure:

"The marketplace works only for people whose art emerges, fully realized, at the beginning of their career, or whose talent is blindingly obvious. If you are the tuype of creative mind that starts without a plan and has to experiment and learn by doing, you need someone to see you through the LONG AND DIFFICULT TIME it takes for your art to reach its true level.

"On the road to great achievement, THE LATE BLOOMER WILL RESEMBLE A FAILURE: while revising and despairing and changing course and slashing canvases to ribbons after months or years, what s/he produces will look like the kind of thing produced by the artist who will never bloom at all. How can we ever know which of the failures will end up blooming?"

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