
By RoseFamily

Feline friends

Little lion Bay and tiger toddler Nathaniel having a cuddle, thankfully without any hitting today (Nathaniel's new frustrating trick mostly aimed at Mummy). Andy arrived home late yesterday, so nice to have another pair of hands again. Typically though Nathaniel had a lie in until 5:45am today.
We all drove Daddy to work today, then had trip to get Bay weighed (7.6kg or 16lb 12oz now). They were diggin up the road outside which made Nathaniel very happy ("what noises?"). Next was a play date with George, Emily and baby Peter. Nice to see them all. My boys enjoyed playing with Emily's toys and rolling around on their super soft carpet (spending most of my days on the floor I...and my knees...also enjoyed it!) After a busy morning Nathaniel decided he'd skip lunch in favour of milk and a nap. Even Bay was tired so I had 45mins of a peaceful lunch for one.
Kirsty popped round as the boys were getting up, and then it was time for play date at Emma's. Bay almost ate Nate's biscuit! Great to see very one even if it was fleetingly as we had to head to collect Andy. Boys did very well with all the car time today, and taxi Mummy did well to make all the various things on time!

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