A perfect day for a Monarch

I had another trip to Nelson today as I had two appointments. The first was to have my hair coloured - blond and copper, and I have to say it looks fantastic! It's nice to have a bit of a make-over - makes you look (and feel) like a new person.

After my second appointment, I stopped into the Washbourn Gardens, and did a bit of a walk around. I took lots of different photo's, however just as I was about to get in the car, a monarch butterfly flew past me. I followed it (and I saw another 3 flying around) and it landed on this branch. This is as I took it out of my camera - no processing whatsoever.

It was a brilliant day in Nelson, not a cloud in the sky. The blue of the sky enhanced the orange of the butterfly; it looked absolutely beautiful.

Unfortunately the wonderful weather isn't going to last, for tomorrow we are forecast to have heavy rain again. It was lovely while it lasted.

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