A work in progress

Over the years going right back to 1982 when I bought my first VHS VCR, I have recorded quite a few important events on video tape. Things that you want to keep, look at again, pass on to the family and simply not toss in the bin.

This needs a concerted effort to transfer as in archive off all of these old VHS videos to DVDs. As everyone knows, a DVD is going to last for a very long time, can easily be cued up and searched, and very easily copies if you want to give extra copies to friends.

I started this huge task last year by culling and tossing out all of the tapes I simply did not need to keep. 32 years of archiving and recording tapes means a lot of tapes to be sorted. The ones that are left, the ones I will call keepers, will keep me busy transferring them to DVDs for at least the next 5 to 6 months.

More detail!

It is like rediscovering old friends as you come across family stuff such as old films that had been transferred to video years ago - rare gems you have not seen for years. Lots of travel tapes and documentaries and so on. I feel sure many of my fellow blippers also face this problem regarding precious old VHS tapes!

Today's blip shows the small studio area I have set up in our study for carrying out this task. The walls of the study are still lined with shelves packed with VHS tapes. Paladian has predicted I will be lucky to be finished by Xmas. Stay tuned.

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