Swimming with Tilly Dog

Today was a busy day…..and I LOVED it!! :0)

Started with a swim in the river at Bolton Abby with Leslie and two of her friends (Alison and Sarah, and her dog Sonny). Although swimming isn't technically accurate when wearing an 8mm semidry wetsuit, it's much more akin to floating!!! But fun!….And I was nice and warm! :0) It gave me the opportunity to try out my other new toy from my birthday. :0)
We all stopped off at the teashop after for some breakfast. Leslie managed to get them to light the fire so she could sit right at it. (Not that there was actually much heat coming off it!)
Home for 1/2hr, so jumped out and cut the grass before the rain set in.
Then coffee with Lou. :0)
Then off to Jo's for some playtime with Abi and Joshua. :0)
Walked back home with Phil and Simon as they were on their way to the church children's group.
While making dinner (taco pie) I ended up having quite a long (Voxer) visit with my sis, Audrey, while she too made dinner (a Mexican theme too!) (but hers was for the church youth group much later). It was almost as if we were in the same kitchen and having a chat (almost as if we were on the same continent!)
All in all, a VERY good day! :0)

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