here's one to remember

It has been a crazy few months since the beginning of the year. But i'm far from complaining, Starts of with me turning 19, passing my driving theory first time around, finishing all my crazy coursework, getting my ticket to AUSTRALIA to see my brother for the first time in nearly two years, getting approved for my visa and then, 3 days ago passing my driver's license first time around. Oh the joy...

Upon other things currently going on I haven't really had a lot of time to just spend with parents. And keeping up with blip as much as I liked off. So today we decided to leave our little world behind and go up to our happy place with my father not far behind. It was nice just sitting there with them and seeing our beautiful view without having to think about anyone else. I'll be gone for 3 months and I think my parents are going to feel it but I told them to just come up here whenever they're missing me and remember I'm not too far in the grand scheme of things.

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