A new day begins

One of the best concerts I've been in a long while despite the more-than-2 hours delay due to sound and other problems (which meant it finished in the early hours of this morning, a great way to start the day ;-)

Ojos de Brujo play a type of new flamenco. They play a great music but also they are fantastic on-stage performers!!! If they come by your city (the are on tour) I strongly recommend giving it a try!!!

This morning I woke up still feeling the vibes from the concert and with the music going around in my head! You often hear the question what would you like to have with you if you found yourself stranded in an island, given that the basic necessities are taken care of (i.e. you won't starve to death ;-). For me music is definitely on the top of my list (and unlimited power supply to be able to listen to it on my mp3 player ;-).

Btw have a look, if you like, at more photos from the concert.

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