Vintage Decisions ??


I HAVE been very naughty .... again!! (sigh) I saw two gorgeous vintage cars today, parked next to one another directly in front of the old Victory Theatre building with its Jenny Kee mural. I HAD to take some pictures. No choice in the matter really ... and then I sort of lost control a bit. However shiny they actually originally were, I simply had to go and make them still SHINIER (Nik "Details Enhancer") ... didn't I? I was trying to see how much of the reflecting mural I could manage to retrieve.

Aaaaanyway. I then couldn't decide which of the tarted up resulting images I liked the best. Assuming you like them at all - which I hope you will - when you comment, please indicate which of these competing images YOU might have posted. "Left" or "Right".

Final result? The Red MG 32 votes to 14 (as at 7:39 am Monday) Thank you everyone who voted. It was most interesting.

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