Return to the North

By Viking

Change of venue, change of weather!

This morning I moved on from Wanaka - heading north to Lake Ohau.
I have been here before and really like it so thought I would make it back for a few days. This time of course I was coming from the south rather than the north, so had to come through the Lindis Pass. As you can see from the shot - the weather is not looking good!

I arrived at Lake Ohau while the cleaner was still cleaning the house so we had a chat and I read the newspaper - weather forecast is for rain and snow ! Goody!
Still I have a stack of wood and a fire already going so I'm not worried :-) also got a stack of school work to do if I am by chance confined to the house. So I am not complaining :-)
This is a shot from the summit of the Lindis

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