
By shannonkerley

Time and tide

This post will bring you up to speed on the rest of my spring break!

Thursday, me and Rebecca met up with some of our friends from St. John's. It was great to be able to see some familiar faces while out and about. We went to O'Neill's for a late dinner which ended up putting everyone into a food coma. I had shepherds pie and it was good, but to be honest nothing beats my mom and dad's shepherds pie.

Friday me and Rebecca went on a day trip to Cork. It was like an adorable little fishing town that reminded me of San Francisco. We also discovered Penney's which was both good and bad. Mini shopping sprees are fun, but not when you have to think about packing it all into a suitcase at some point. By the time we got back we met up with our friends again and went to a few pubs for some live music and good craic.

Saturday was another nice day. We slept in late which was amazing. Then we attempted a walking your but couldn't find the guy in the Viking hat. So, we did our own mini tour stopping at trinity college and St. Patrick's cathedral. After that we headed back to the hostel to pack up our stuff and head out for one last night in Ireland. Even though I spent an entire week there, it still wasn't enough.

As post-Ireland and upcoming finals depression is setting in I can't help but think about the amazing time I had over spring break and how soon I'll be done and home. Home home, not Rome home.

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