Double Shot Mummy


First Ride in a Mall Car

(Or as Stuart calls them, an "overpriced shopping trolley". Despite how it looks, Maple loved it. In fact, she was crying in the picture because she wanted to be pushed around (No time for posing!)

We desperately needed some food and bits from the mall. Our whole family is still struggling a bit with jet lag. It has taken longer than usual this time... probably because I've had tonsillitis etc... We were all a little grumpy today but ploughed through...

We treated ourselves to a nice lunch at the mall. The trio enjoyed fish and chips and corn on the cob. Maple LOVED the corn. Stu and I shared a salad and chicken fajita's (We are trying to be healthy!)

It was during the supermarket trip that the trio reached their pinnacle of tiredness. The girls were both screaming and crying. Everyone needed to go to the bathroom and we couldn't think what we needed to buy through all that! Still, we got there in the end and the trio were asleep in the car within seconds.

Thankfully, everyone woke up so much brighter. The evening concluded with happy story times and cheerful chatter.

One month till Stu and I go to England. Wow.

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