
What a day, the last one before I go on holiday. Lots of jobs this morning, then off to see a friend and give her a present that is 2 years late (long story), then to the beach briefly.

Then back to the office to start the change of bank, then lots of end of year emails and tidy ups of jobs. Then a quiet wine. Then off to see one set of friend, then another, then home for 20 minutes, then out to see Avatar. Now it's midnight and I need to pack to head away tomorrow! Nuts.

Anyway, Avatar. Was it good? Umm, yes ... possibly, but it's been well hyped and it didn't meet my expectations. It's a good movie, it ticks the Hollywood boxes of effects, a love story, lots of action. But is it great? I don't think so. Even the 3D, it?s good, but it didn't blow me away. Give me a good Stargate episode any day!

Holiday starts tomorrow, I'll be blipping from various locations, like the beach ... Hope you have an awesome Christmas! ;-)

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