In the cab!

What a choice I have today!
Lots of photos of "Union of South Africa" of course, but I could also have posted the stunning display of cherry blossom we passed in Denny this afternoon. Or it might have been our tulips at the front door, now in full bloom. Then there was Eve, toddling about the house wearing her hat, her necklace and two handbags!
However, it had to be that big steam engine, "Union of South Africa", originally "Osprey" then "Union" and back to "Osprey" again for political reasons and finally "Union" yet again, complete with a Springbok plaque on the boiler casing.
We caught her in Stirling station, surrounded in masses of admirers but I did manage to get Euan into the cab. It was hot dark smelly and hot again and Euan was a bit fearful, possibly of the roaring furnace fire in the firebox so we retreated to allow other fans to have a look.
We have just had a great family dinner for Andrew who is off on holiday tomorrow to the U S of A. First to Austin for a music festival (naturally!) then New York fir some sightseeing.
Jealous? Yup, Just a little!

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