
By Dougthehat

Here it is, Number 365 today!

It was going to be some kind of "selfie" to end the run of 365 Blips in a row today. Then I thought instead, something that I am passionate about and have not done may of during the past 365 days, A monochrome landscape, which, going back to 30 odd years ago when my interest in photography began, is what i consider myself to be, at heart, an old school, black and whits landscaper.
So, having one of the best views one could ask for, and a stormy weather day, creating dramatic skies, here it is, my choice to finish the year on a high!

The challenge of a daily photo is immense, it's a bit like entering a competition every day for a year, knowing you can't cheat and pull something from your archives,because the meta data doesn't lie, and I have enjoyed the struggle, sometimes easy, sometimes not so, and i Know that my followers have njoyed my efforst, and that, to me is part of the pleasure, thank you all for your kind comments and support.

I intend to carry on, another 365 images, but all black and white, so watch this space!

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