
By elsie


So today our formal offer arrived in the post for D's primary school place in Sept; we were allocated our 3rd choice and naturally rather disappointed and upset that he's going to be leaving all of his friends. I spent most of the day flicking through the attached booklet full of facts and figures and with information about appeals and waiting lists and trying to decide whether to fight this or run with it. Pretty sure we're going to accept and hope for the best. Big believer in things happening for a reason and working out as they are meant to. Going to look around the school next week (again) and then hopefully come back feeling much more positive. There are a lot of perks to going to the school you can see from your house, surely!

We casually mentioned to D that he might be going to a different big school come September and he remembered it as I described it and was very excited and asked "can we go now?" so I figure that's a good sign :)

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