Been working so hard I'm punching my card ...

So I actually managed around 4 hours sleep. Note to self, next time, please allow yourself an additional 20 minutes to get to the airport and checked in and the like.

Flight 1 to Paris was uneventful, well after the excitement of missing the closing of drop off backage, thankfully reopened. Flight 2 was well, cloudy, extremely cloudy. Normally when I have come over before I tend to watch the terrain from Greenland onwards, but today it looked like half the globe was covered in cloud. Thus a long journey, watched 2 and a half films, the patchy but good second installement of the Hobbit and the annoying, I think this was the intention, Inside Llewyn David.

Arrival at the airport, taken aside once through passports for some additional customs check to be able to watch a jobsworth try and fail to find me on his system. He was told by a superior to let me go as I had already been checked, but no he insisted giving up after 15 minutes. Whatever.

Rental car picked up and out into the biggest rain I have seen for a long time.

In the evening out for a meal with friends which was very nice indeed. But I think I mis-calculated my wardrobe somewhat. I have three items of clothing with long sleeves and it is only

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