
The predicted wet weather duly made its appearance just as we set foot out of the door. We woke however, to sunshine and the hope that the forecast might have been wrong but the rolling dark clouds to the west told another story, the promised rain provided a wet morning and early afternoon.

A good, tasty, hot breakfast along with cereals, toast and coffee set us up for the day. A traditional Egnlish breakfast, one that we rarely have when at home so all the more welcome when we do get it. A nice hotel, very friendly and helpful staff too. Last night's dinner was excellent for me too. Not sure about the others. I had a rib eye steak, they had duck.

The wet weather didn't entirely spoil the day as for most of that time we were inside at Snape Maltings. This rather isolated location is world famous, apparently, for its clasical music concerts and around it have clustered a number of emporiums selling all sorts of crafts, household goods and designer foods. Just the sort of place for Doreen and Susan.

We went on a trip on the River Alde from the Maltings, 45 minutes downstream and back. The grey water and grey skies combined to create a grey landscape which made photography very difficult. It is only 6 miles as the seagul flies from the Maltings to the sea but the river takes 21 miles to the south to reach the sea, its mouth being diverted by the spit known as Orford Ness.

After looking at pretty much everything that could be looked at, as well as some paintings and scupltures in the galleries and taken in the customary scone and tea we set off for the RSPB reserve at Minsmere.

We were able to push the wheelchair to a few hides and although there was a keen wind blowing the rain had, by this time, stopped. Todays shot is a view from one of the hides across a scrap. I liked all the lines.

The ultimate destination for today was Aldbrough for fish and chips. To get there we travelled via Thorpeness, an early 20th C purpose built holiday destination by the sea and location of "House in the Clouds" as well as mant other interesting buildings.

I';m sorry to report that the much awaited fish and chips disappointed. We opted for haddock, which is where I think we went wrong. Cod seemed to be more popular and so had to be cooked to order. The haddock had been hanging around too long and, as a result the batter was limp and soggy. Not what we were looking forward too. We'd had fish and chips from this very shop 6 years ago when we stayed a week in the area in February 2008. They were superb then, especially as we sat on the seawall eating them. Sustained us during the rest of our bike ride that day I can tell you. Sometimes you shouldn't go back.

A brisk walk along the seafront to the sculpture commenorating Benjamin Britten helped shake the dinner down before returning to the hotel and retiring for the night.

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