All Shook Up.

While i was in the gym this morning, J went to Wickes, to get a piece of board to make another layout ( yes, another one)When we got home he went out the garden to piece it together. He was hammering away, and i was watching ,when this Starling flew onto the lawn, and carried on looking for worms and grubs. He was unperturbed by the hammering, or me, taking lots of photos of him. I don't know why he was shaking all his feathers, but i thought he looked so funny. Must be viewed in LARGE and you will see what i mean. There is a great series, starting on BBC4 tonight, called Hinterland. We have already seen it on BBC Wales. It's really very good, and filmed in Aberystwyth. It's a bit like a Welsh version of , The Bridge. Give it a go, you won't be disappointed.

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