
By Doremigirl

MonoMonday: Lines - Me & My Shadows

118 . 365

Attention: Do not leave your longings unattended.
- a sign pictured in Austin Kleon's book, Steal Like an Artist, p. 69.

I've been browsing through this popular book for the past 2 weeks. It's not a long or complicated book, but the content makes me think: my past experiences as a musician and teacher, about what I am doing now, and how I would like to be in the future.

The quote changes quite a bit when the prefix, be, is taken out. I think the shadows in this picture are like our longings - not quite the real thing, but something that is in process of becoming.

I think that blipping each day makes my brain think and be creative.

Today's music - Dan Wilson's Disappearing << a perfect example of creativity!

PS: Thanks to ffredsmum for hosting MonoMonday!

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