RC Residential Life

By residentiallife

DI is fun!

I am a DI(destinetion imegination) member by the way. It is one of the things I do so that I don't get bored. You know even if you are in residence sometimes it gets boring to see same faces every day. I came up with this solution. DI gives you the oppurtunity to meet with new people and chat with them even though you know you may not see them again. Anyway, we saw this pretty girl in one of the junior DI groups (it is make-up by the way), we laughed so hard that people arond us started to stare at us. I know you think I am mean. Believe me I am not but this looked so funny at the moment. I asked the girl if it would be a problem for her that we take a pic with her. She said no, and smiled back to me. I liked this little girl so much that I kept talking to her for a while.

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