6 month check up

Today we went to the hospital, the boys had their 6 month check, and it was perfect, they ticked all the boxes and have been 'signed off, Jacob also had a physio session, and again that went very well, and he has been 'signed off' so no more grueling trips to the hospital for Chris and Faye.

Having experienced the trip today, it is a long hike, walk to the tram stop, 15 minute tram ride, then a 40 minute walk to the hospital, today involved nearly 2 hours at the hospital, we fed the boys whilst at the hospital, then we did the return journey, getting back home just in time for their 2.30 pm feed. We are all knackered.

Drinks for the adults tonight, to celebrate another milestone in the Hebdon household.

The boys had just had their breakfast porridge, when I took this photo, they are obviously enjoying their food, Danny weighs 16lb and Jacob is 16lb

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