Two daughters arrived from abroad!

What a day, Julia flew into Brize Norton from Afghanistan via Cyprus and Johanna into Birmingham from her holiday in Malta!

It was a lovely moment when Julia walked through the door into the arrivals and Jonty spotted her. His little tail went 10 to the dozen (never understood that expression) and Julia's face just lit up as well when she saw the reception committee of Jonty, myself, Marlane and Betty (my favourite Mother in Law).

This is not the clearest, or sharpest photograph I took but it was the first hug of Julia by Marlane and I just loved Jonty's little face poking over the top trying to get back to Julia. He did have the lions share of cuddles but he just couldn't get enough :-)

We only saw Julia for about half an hour before her baggage was loaded onto a truck and she had to depart for her camp with her RAF Police troop.
At least we know she is safe and back in the UK.

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