Computer Senility...

I've had a bit of fun at work trying to get to grips with some software that's I've not used heavily before. Thought I was getting on really well until it started throwing me curve balls.

I actually wrote down the numbers I was checking and they changed each time I ran them. Close it down, start it back up again and I can get the numbers back that I expected. That, in my book, is not meant to happen.

Frighteningly, it's not isolated to me. Apparently other people have noticed it as well.


Notes on the Picture...
I'm very impressed with how Sushi has dealt with the new invader in her house. She doesn't get too upset about it, just carries on where she can and gives the dog bat across the chops if she gets too friendly. In the garden she does have a distinct cat advantage in getting to places the dog will never manage and doing it with style.

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