
By nettyspaghetti


Lets cut daddy's hair ! Yes lets ! it looks like he is wearing a very bad wig. So we cut his hair, well I say we, in fact I cut his hair while the toddler hid in the living room (in case I cut her hair ) and the seven year old went upstairs to watch stampy play minecraft *wants to stab stampy* if you know who I mean you will understand, I was under strict instructions from her to call her when I had finished so she could come and laugh (I am NOT a hairdresser, my child has seen my attempts at giving barbie a cut and blow dry )

Anyway, it turned out ok, mainly, he cant see the back right ? so it doesnt count , looks way better than it did though, unlike my barbie fiasco

The girls wanted to add insult to his (minor) injury so they got the comb and the clippers, thankfully not turned on and had a go. Hell will freeze before I let them do this to me when my hairdresser comes next week .

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