As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The End Of An Era

What a day.

Silly but productive day in school.

SHINE meeting after school went well but I was a little frustrated by it. Don't try to argue about "club officer inflation" with me.

Great meet at Long Beach against Calhoun and New Hyde Park. I ran the 3200 in 10:19 and out-kicked Lamb for second. I'm looking forward to racing him again; it'll be a good race. Rocco ran sub-5:00 for the first time today. Congrats, Roc!

We won the meet!!!!

Straight from Long Beach to Herricks for my last MYO rehearsal ever. Five years. I'm going to miss everyone so much next year. Here's a cello section picture to document this sad but inevitable evening. MYO CELLOS FOR LIFE.

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