
By Igor

Shakespeare Challenge: jealousy

OK I will put my hand up to jealousy. I have been seduced by the green-eyed monster. First of all, some background; this is my friend Neil. He’s one of the finest guitar players I’ve ever come across (he also plays mandolin, bass, trumpet, keyboards, accordion, tin whistle and percussion). In the 1960s he had a recording contract and could have been a contender. But he chose a different life and became a distinguished academic, with a Chair at Cambridge (they threw in a desk as well to keep him happy). He is talented, clever, funny, popular with the ladies and modest. No - it’s not him I was jealous of.

Four years ago my left vocal cord was paralysed when I had surgery for cancer. I lost my voice and couldn’t speak - I became a hoarse whisperer. It was about 18 months and three operations before I got a speaking voice back. But a singing voice has proved elusive.

I used to sing in a band with Neil. But as time went by, gigs came up, recording sessions too and he had to get other people to play and sing with. I found that hard. But the green-eyed monster kept me company.

I was never angry or bitter when I was first diagnosed with cancer. I was not angry or bitter when it returned 4 years ago (ok - but just a smidgen). But not being able to sing really did get to me. And I turned my back on my previous musical life. Perhaps it was envy rather than out and out jealousy. I envied people who do could what I could not.

Fortunately this state of affairs did not last. I can sing (a bit) at home. Not enough to play in public, though. Especially if people have to hand over money. But Neil has always kept the microphone warm, just in case. Every so often we get together and have a jam.

I blipped him in a recording session with two other musicians. The lighting was a bit flat and dull and did not do justice to the music or his personality. So I jazzed it up a bit.

Altogether now: for he’s a Jolly Othello (from the Moor the Merrier)

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