A ridiculously busy day today. The Rev had 4 services..we briefly passed each other!!! In the afternoon I went searching out fancy dress stuff for a party on Saturday.....not quite sorted. It all started out as such a good idea!!! Our biggest headache was that poor O ended up doing a 17 hour shift plus 1 hour travelling each way.... He nearly missed the last train home and we were planning to drive up to London to get him. He hadn't eaten so after a quick meal he got to bed after 1:00am and he has to up by 5:30 tomorrow. I am really stressed by this as it is impossible to keep this up for 6 days a week. Poor lad he was so close to tears and it was meant to be his dream job!!! Hence the dragon shot...we were nearly breathing fire!!!

TODAY'S SMILE: managed to get a dry walk in in between the showers!!

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