
By weemo

Fly Away

This morning walk with the pups was lovely, blue sky,sun,warmth and gentle breeze which didn't chase away the clouds of midges and whatever else was flying about trying to have a little munch at me lol but none the less lovely. There are hundreds of dandelions at the grass verges and they give the scene an extra bit of colour. Iwas just going to try and take a photo of the seed head but the sun was shining gently across this little crop and some of the seeds were getting to fly away gently, and it shows the 4 stages from seed to flower. Dandelions are just not a pesky weed but they are also full of vitamins as well as minerals, their leaves can be used to add flavour to salads, sandwiches and teas, the flowers can be used to make wines and the roots are used in some coffee substitutes .

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