
By TeaAddict

What a Palava!

This photo of me, pretty much sums up my day, today!

My driving license needed to be renewed with a new photo (I am getting old - apparently), and, being a photographer by trade, I decided that I needed a decent passport photo, which I was going to take myself.. none of your photobooth, 'rabbit-in-highlights' affairs for me.. thank you very much !

Anyway, Mr M is away again this week, so I was faced with the challenge of setting up the studio lights and doing a passport 'selfie'. Not easy!

Finally, after much fiddling with lights and the timer on the camera, managed to get an acceptable photo and went to print it on the new photo printer. There is something not quite right with the set up of the new printer and the photos of me came out looking very odd - I looked like those photos the Victorians used to take of dead people!

Colour calibrating printers is beyond me, so I will have to wait until Mr M is home and see if he can sort it out.

In the meantime - I had to get the driving license application done today (due to rather typically having left it until the last minute), so ended up driving to the post office and having my photo done in.. you guessed it.. one of those photobooth things.. drat!

..AND the whole process took up my entire morning!

..on the plus side - I got a blip out of it :-)

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