Stella in Stuntney

Walked through a village,
We were out geocaching;
Saw some lovely sights.

As I'd got rid of the dizzies by 11, we went for a geocaching car ride. Those of you that know this village will know that behind me is Ely Cathedral...she was shrouded in misty cloud today so not a good shot to be had.

Also visited the site of a previous geocache that we'd found as that was the first time I'd seen one of those beautiful red and black cinnabar moths. Just a few flies, a snail and a bee today.

I've had a little catch up on some comments but still awfully behind! Thank you for your patience, and, as Miranda would say; "bear with!"

Today is the last day of the Ultimate Blogging Challenge so that should free up a little spare time. Stella thought it fitting that the finale was a Woof Wednesday! :)

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