
By daisydoesNYC

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Went to my first speakeasy, PDT. This one you enter through a phone booth in a hot dog shop. The novelty factor was slightly overdone but the cocktails were tasty, if a little out of our price range. I like the idea of there being all these secret bars across the city.

We followed this with a walk in the torrential rain to McSorleys Old Ale House, the oldest Irish pub in NYC. We'd barely stumbled through the door before we were greeted with two beers for $5 plonked down on the nearest table. Much more our price range.

"A speakeasy, also called a blind pig or blind tiger, is an establishment that illegally sells alcoholic beverages. Such establishments came into prominence in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–1933, longer in some states). During that time, the sale, manufacture, and transportation (bootlegging) of alcoholic beverages was illegal throughout the United States.[1]

Speakeasies largely disappeared after Prohibition was ended in 1933, and the term is now used to describe some retro style bars." - Wikipedia

NYC Bucket List
4. Visit a speakeasy - done

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