The End of the Line

Travelled on north along the Nordland Line from Trondheim to Bodø. The journey covers about 450 miles of mostly single track line twisting its way along the coastline, over some high (snow-covered) fells and occasionally straight through mountains.

The weather included everything from rain to snow, and from heavy cloud to bright sunshine, and the journey also included crossing the Arctic Circle. When you cross the Arctic Circle on a boat there is a ceremony (involving cold water and a shot of vodka or schnapps) to placate King Neptune presumably the train crew didn't feel the need to do this.

Bodø station really is the end of the line for the Norwegian railways - if you want to go further north from here you need to get a bus or a boat. I'll be getting a boat at the weekend, but first I have a couple of days to explore around here.


PS Just in case there are any train buffs out there, there is a more northerly Norwegian train station. It's in Narvik, but doesn't connect to any other part of the Norwegian rail network, it just links Narvik to the Swedish rail network.

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