
By Inverculain

Close Up 3: Fool's gold?

Anni's challenge, day 3: to take shots of things in the house or garden but from different angles and very, very close up.

Yesterday's close up was...a knife against a sharpening steel. (Well recognised, Peter! :) I use this regularly, but that's probably just to put off carving - which I am USELESS at! So I spend ages, stroking the knife against the steel, honing the blade to a perfect edge... then proceed to reduce the roast to thick, irregular chunks of meat. (Which is, actually, how I like it - other members of the family would prefer wafer-thin slices, but I don't seem to be able to get the hang of that...)

After the last two shots of sharp, steely and somewhat menacing items, I thought I would go for something quite different today. In fact, you could describe this one as...all sweetness and light :)


To see other participants' shots, search for the tag CloseUpMacro

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