Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Urban Cowboy

Today just got better and better as it went along. A Skype conversation with friends at AMOS Health & Hope in Nicaragua this morning, followed by a free lunch and great conversation with colleagues at a fundraiser for the wonderful non-profit Friends of Pimpollo, and then a free dinner and more great conversation with colleagues at an appreciation event for faculty. All capped off by a beautiful drive home in 80+ degree weather.

The culmination of the great day was driving down Third Street and seeing this urban cowboy sitting in the bronzed lap of the Ben Franklin statue downtown. Of course I couldn't resist. I asked his name and he replied in the best cowboy-ease I've heard in a long time "Brandon... but most people call me Cowboy."

"That's perfect," I said as I silently thanked the powers that be for lining all of this up for me today. Just perfect.

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