Not a very Christmassy blip ...

[... though I'd previously thought this was a representation of Christ the Redeemer.]

I was expected at Carl's folks' place at 2.15, but had decided earlier that I'd aim to fit in a bit of a walk before turning up at the door. I cut it a bit finer than planned, but at least I did manage to fit in half an hour or so, traipsing up Killiney Hill and back down again. I wasn't the only one with the idea, since I exchanged Christmas hellos with quite a few other Christmas strollers. I'm sure the views from here would have been really spectacular earlier in the week during the crisp frosty weather, but instead of the long-promised white Christmas, the weather for the big day decided to return to the Irish norm and all I could see was a vague misty hint of what I'm sure is a fine view.

I'd thought that today's blip would in all likelihood turn out to be of excited children's faces as Carl's nephew and niece unwrapped their presents, but that was not to be. Instead, this is a view of a rather fine sculptural piece which I'd previously only caught quick glimpses of as I'd driven past the gate leading to the hill walk. It's by Niall O'Neill, and is titled Thus Daedalus Flew. An impressive piece.

We had a great time with Carl's folks, including the full traditional Christmas lunch and the grand ritual of exchange of presents. We left around 9.00 pm as the others were beginning to think about more food. We'd arranged to call in on Carl's cross-the-road neighbours for Christmas drinks and chat, which we did. Both drink and chat proved wonderfully satisfying. A great end to a lovely day.

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