Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Old and New London Town

I went to that old London town today for an industry event; I can’t help but get excited when I travel up there. Don’t know why? I suppose it’s the mixture of the old and new, as in this blip. The pub on the right was very oldy worldy but slap back in the middle of the city, with all its shiny new buildings around it. I love London!

There was a bit of excitement before we even started, as the fire alarm went off and we were all told to evacuate immediately. Twenty minutes passed, the fire brigade had turned up and it turns out it was just someone having a naughty ciggie in the toilet.

T’was a good event though, and I got a lot out of it.

In other news the shoulder is getting better, there’s a lot more movement now and less pain. Hurrah!

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