As Days Pass Swiftly

By lilakae

Modern Day Tom Sawyers

I could not resist this one. I saw these two boys painting the fence as I drove by and couldn't get my camera up fast enough to catch the shot. They reminded me so much of Tom Sawyer that I just had to turn around at the next intersection and go back to capture the moment.

As I made the turn and was heading back, several thoughts sped through my mind. This was not just some side street. This was a pretty busy street where I knew I would not be able to stop and hold up traffic. Even if I could stop, how would I explain to the mother of these boys (as she came flying out of the house screaming at me) that I had only pure reasons for taking a photo of her sons? How could I slow down enough to get a clean shot, keep my eye on the road (so as not to be hit by anyone, hit someone else or drive up onto the curb), and find the scene through my viewing screen?

Fortunately, there was no screaming mom, the car behind me slowed down and did not rear-end me, I was able to find the boys and the angle turned out better than I would have expected.

Whew, one more victory over going above and beyond to capture the right moment.

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