Save Planet Earth-Alien spotted in Falkirk

This was sitting outside the British Heart Foundation Charity shop looking very well behaved. I asked it's mistress if it would pose and she barked some instructions and it did.
Meanwhile back on planet Earth this is apparently the day we start to save it. Well some of us started a while back, ......but I suppose 'every little helps' as the man from del monte says. But lets hope that the real aliens amongst us, {politicians, multi national capitalist nuts, and most the human race) get some kind of wake up call from the likes of ......Madonnnnnnaaaaaaaa! I mustn't be cynical because as someone who's worked in Environmental education for years (as have some of you I know) I am actually happy to accept any help I can get even from the likes of Spinal Tap. God we are a weird species.

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