The beautiful briny sea

Another super day so headed down to the point after a visit to the post office. Was nt sure if there would be any dolphins about but it's a lovely spot anyway and always something to see. Our luck was in and although they were not displaying or jumping out of the water they were busy hunting and we saw at least two and managed to get a few pictures which is much easier said than done. They seem to stay under for ages and then pop up just for a few seconds to catch their breathe.

The Moray Firth is the second largest Firth in Scotland covering more than 800km of coastline. Nearly 200 dolphins live along this stretch and can often be seen off Chanonry point as they gather to feed on the salmon or herring. The largest number I have seen at one time is 15 and it's quite a sight to see them leaping out of the water so close to land. I think they enjoy an audience. Hopefully I'll be able to catch some action shots when the season is fully up and running.

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