bucks life

By bucksmiss

Garden planning

Another long sleeeeeeeep. I enjoyed a quiet morning, catching up with my online book group and giving some suggestions for good detective novel writers.

I watched the Boss from earlier this week and then made it to Costa to meet B, my stepmum, for 1.30pm. After a good chinwag we went to Preston Bissett Plant Centre in her van to get some more top soil to finish off my new flowerbed and to look at possible new plants for it.

It was the most glorious day and sandals were worn. It felt beautifully warm and the birds were really singing their hearts out. I saw my first swallows and there were also quite a few microlights buzzing around and gliders. Fortuitously, I think, I left my purse at home so I managed to resist the urge to buy loads for the garden. We did have a good root round and I've got some good ideas for planting, possibly euphorbias, Angelica, salvias, phlox, lupins and various herbs etc..

On getting home, I took this snap of B, who notoriously hates having her photo taken and usually gurns! I'm quite pleased with this one as a result. She gave me some more advice and (I think) has agreed to do some work (paid) in the garden for me too. After a cup of tea in the garden, she left.

As I was downloading the photos just now, an odd noise occurred outside the window and I thought a bird must have flown into it but then I saw a cheeky squirrel looking in and eyeballing me! This is the very first time I've ever seen a squirrel in my garden in 7 years. Much as I love them, and I do, I'd rather they left my garden alone....

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