
By nellableu

Sometimes you don't get what you asked for.

Meet our little buddy Aslan. He is 5 years old and I truly believe an old soul.
When we purchased him, we were told he was a miniature dachshund. He's not. The vet claims he is a small standard instead of a miniature. The seller also told me that his hernia (you can see it in the picture) was a bellybutton! She must have thought I was stupid. Instead of walking away from the lady, we took him home right away. It took 2 days for us to name him. At the time, I hadn't read The Chronicles of Narnia but I knew the name Aslan fit him. His full name is Aslan Armstrong. He chases birds from sun up to sun down and he loves us just as much as we love him! What a good buddy!!

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