Superhero party

We went to Eno's 4th birthday party today, a superhero theme. Lily went as SuperLily Rainbow Girl and Diddy was SuperSpiderMan. He had me paint him a mask and 'gizmo' on his arm to 'get' the baddies. We had lots of fun, playing with balloons, squirting silly string and D won the pass the parcel. As ever, he was most excited by the party bag at the end! Lily loved the balloons. She kept trying to bite them, and not surprisingly, a fair few popped in her mouth (ouch) - not that it stopped her.

Back to mum's for tea and to play in the garden for a while as the weather was lovely. The boy and I planted some more seeds for their greenhouse (the children have their own now). Each has a sunflower with their name on. We'll see whose wins the growing race, at the moment its quite neck and neck. We also planted some yellow flower bulbs, some carrots and some onions. Good job Dad pointed out we didn't need to use the entire packet or we'd have been harvesting in the region of 1,500 carrots later in the year. Ha!

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