Vanishing Venice

"Listen. Venice should be heard as well as seen. At night the eye is not distracted by the radiance of gilded domes. The ear can discern the slam of wood shutters, heels tapping up and down the stone steps of bridges, the abbreviated drama of whispered conversations, waves kicked against the seawall by boats, a staccato of rain on canvas awnings, and always, always the heavy, sad sound of bells. Most of all, the sound of Venice is the absence of the sound of cars."

~ Cathy Newman, National Geographic, August 2009, "Vanishing Venice"

Perceptiveness is a hallmark of the inspired.

Inspiration is not the fake bouts of ecstasy born out of ignorance that rise and subside almost as quickly as we inhale and exhale. True inspiration is because of, and despite the Truth. Sadly fakes outnumber the real ones.

Edit: One year ago was one of the most incredible sunrises I had seen, after which we roared down the slopes on a beautiful chilly winter morning with the wind in our hair... Time passes by.

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