How does your dog smell?

Went to Hopetoun House this morning to support herself running Race For Life [you can still sponsor her here, she's raised more than £300 for Cancer Research UK so far this year].

Lots of folk took their dog along, including this inquisitive specimen.

The runners were warmed up and then made to stand around for 20 minutes in perishing cold, waiting for a delayed start. When the run was over, nobody was allowed to leave until the back marker in the 10km events had passed halfway.

Hopetoun House is private property near the Forth Bridge, with no way out when race marshals block the exits. The result was absolute carnage, many frayed tempers and people missing appointments elsewhere.

In short, a shambles - shame on whoever was responsible for 'organising' this year's event. Adding a 10km race to the event no doubt seemed like a good idea, but made leaving afterwards a total mess and will have put many people off entering next year.

Epic fail!

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